
“At the beginning of my priestly life in the monastery the celebration of a daily liturgy was added to the typikon of the daily services…”

At the beginning of my priestly life in the monastery the celebration of a daily liturgy was added to the typikon of the daily services. In the deep morning we would begin the service, and before the sun had risen completely we would finish the liturgy. Partaking thus daily of the Immaculate Mysteries, I felt so much power within me that I was like a lion. My soul had such a divine fire that all day long I didn’t feel hungry, thirsty, hot, or cold. From the morning until night I worked without rest. Even at midday in the summer, while the other fathers were resting in their cells looking for a bit of cool, I would carry heavy loads of dirt and fertilize the gardens that I cultivated outside the walls of the monastery.

– Elder Iakovos (Tsalikis) (1920-1991)

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