
Why Did You Convert (or Revert) to Orthodoxy?

Since becoming Orthodox years ago, I have come to realize that there are many different answers to this question. In my experience, responses differ due to many reasons including differences in gender, experiences, as well as (though this is more difficult to prove) personality type. Because of these differences, trying to produce media that is…



As some of you probably know, I wrote and published a book called Precious Vessels of the Holy Spirit a number of years back. Since then, I have been working on the translation of a new book called Greece’s Dostoevsky: The Theological Vision of Alexandros Papadiamandis. They say that “it takes a village to raise…

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Discover Orthodox Musicians and Music Resources!

One of Protecting Veil’s main goals is to support the international Orthodox artistic community. To this end, we have begun compiling lists of Orthodox artists (musicians, writers, iconographers, filmmakers, etc.) and will continue to expand these lists as time goes on. We’re pleased to announce the publication of our first lists: Orthodox Music/Musicians, and Orthodox…

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Interested in Film or Filmmaking? Join the Orthodox Filmmakers Group!

I was about to start an Orthodox Filmmakers group on Facebook, when I realized there already is one. So…rather than start a new one, I’m promoting the one that I found. If you are an Orthodox filmmaker…or even if you just like films and fancy yourself a patron of the arts, please check out the…