
POLL: Did You Like Our Use of Red Text in Precious Vessels…?

In our first book, Precious Vessels of the Holy Spirit, we used the color red in a number of unusual ways, as you can see at points 1, 2, and 3.

Do you like our use of red?

Do you like the way we set-up the page numbers on the side of the page at point 1?

Do you think we should repeat these things in our new book?

Please complete our poll and ask friends whose opinion you trust to do the same!

(If you have a more nuanced response, please add it to the comments.)

[poll id=”2″]

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  1. The use of this particular red is effective; it was a very good choice. The pagination is very good center left & right (I actually like it better than the traditional top & bottom). The use of red caps to introduce the Counsels of the Holy Elders is also a very good idea. Your book was extremely well designed & the self-wrappers was a good choice. May you be blessed to bring us more excellent & soul-filling works.

  2. The use of this particular red is effective; it was a very good choice. The pagination is very good center left & right (I actually like it better than the traditional top & bottom). The use of red caps to introduce the Counsels of the Holy Elders is also a very good idea. Your book was extremely well designed & the self-wrappers was a good choice. May you be blessed to bring us more excellent & soul-filling works.

  3. Do you like our use of red? –Yes, very much. Footnotes in red is an excellent idea. The red is not just utile but makes the book a thing of beauty. Also like the header/ender devices/borders/crosses.

    Do you like the way we set-up the page numbers on the side of the page at point 1? –Yes. Innovative, and again, useful.

    Do you think we should repeat these things in our new book? –Yes, if it’s economical.

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