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New Orthodox Documentary: Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer

It’s not often that I have the pleasure of promoting an Orthodox film. Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer is a documentary that focuses on the Orthodox spiritual tradition as it is practiced in traditional Orthodox countries and, in particular, the practice of the Jesus Prayer in Orthodox monasteries. The film is presently in a pre-release…


“Art affirms all that is best in man – hope, faith, love, beauty, prayer…”

“Art affirms all that is best in man – hope, faith, love, beauty, prayer… What he dreams of and what he hopes for… When someone who doesn’t know how to swim is thrown into the water, instinct tells his body what movements will save him. The artist, too is driven by a kind of instinct,…

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Interested in Film or Filmmaking? Join the Orthodox Filmmakers Group!

I was about to start an Orthodox Filmmakers group on Facebook, when I realized there already is one. So…rather than start a new one, I’m promoting the one that I found. If you are an Orthodox filmmaker…or even if you just like films and fancy yourself a patron of the arts, please check out the…


Avatar and the Saints

I finally went to see Avatar a few days ago and was struck by one aspect in particular…a certain similarity between the Na’vi’s relationship to creation and the “right relation” that is renewed through the holy lives of the Saints (St. Seraphim’s bear and St. Gerasimos’s lion are the most obvious examples). James Cameron even…