Orthodoxy and Art: Scott Cairns, Orthodox Writer/Poet/Professor (Pt. 2)

“‘I think that’s what makes Scott Cairns’ poetry so great,’ says Christian Wiman, editor of Poetry, arguably the nation’s most important publication devoted to verse. Cairns’ poetry refers ‘readers to a real world and expects them to see the references to the real world, but it also creates a world with the language, with its music…

Orthodoxy and Art: Scott Cairns, Orthodox Writer/Poet/Professor (Pt. 1)

Thanks to Athos.web-log via Christopher Orr for pointing me towards a three year old article on Orthodox writer/poet/professor, Scott Cairns. For anyone interested in the relationship between Orthodoxy and art, the article is a real gem. “While Cairns’ work is steeped in religious sensibility, he’s not interested in writing sermons. In his view, any worthwhile…