
Why Did You Convert (or Revert) to Orthodoxy?

Since becoming Orthodox years ago, I have come to realize that there are many different answers to this question. In my experience, responses differ due to many reasons including differences in gender, experiences, as well as (though this is more difficult to prove) personality type. Because of these differences, trying to produce media that is…


The Orthodox Church Today: A Demographic Study of Orthodoxy in America

I had heard about Alexei Krindatch’s demographic study of Orthodoxy in America awhile back, but had never gotten around to tracking it down. In a recent conversation with a friend regarding the realities facing Orthodoxy in America, he pointed me towards the study. The 2008 study was performed again in 2010, and the results are…

Newspaper Article on Orthodoxy (& Troy Polamalu)

Please forgive a post on a football player. As most of you probably already know, Troy Polamalu is not your average football player. He is Orthodox and unapologetically so. Even better, however, is that nearly every article I’ve read written on Polamalu and his faith reflects a real humility and a spiritual focus. Polamalu, while…

Assembly of Orthodox Hierarchs in North and Central America

I don’t generally make posts of a “political” (national or ecclesiastical) nature, but I’ve been hearing a good deal about the assembly taking place this week in NYC and felt it was worthy of note. Regardless of one’s position vis à vis the meaning and proper form of Orthodox unity in the diaspora, it seems worthwhile…